- JS? Ruby? Golang?
- Microservices/Monoliths!
- Golang - Gin, Gorm, sqlx, Cobra,
- ReactJS and Typescript
- NestJS(CQRS, MVC), NextJS
- Ruby/Rails ~ JSON APIs, Sidekiq!
- JSON APIs in Rails
- background job processing with sidekiq! and Redis
- Web3 World
- Connecting smart contracts with API/Frontend with Web3JS, EthersJS
- Spinning Blockchain Nodes, Scaling Nodes
- I dumped entire Bitcoin/Ethereum blockchain data into PostgreSQL/MongoDB
- Ops and Monitoring
- EC* in AWS, Other services like S3, Lambdas etc..etc
- Autoscaling instances, ECS
- Terraform AWS with Terraform, CDK, pulumi
- Docker, CI/CD, Self Hosted Github Runners, BuildKite etc.
- Monitoring apps with Prometheus/Graphana combos, Datadog
- AI and LLMs
- Recently got into AI and LLMs world, to be honest it is pretty fun :)
- Langchain/LangGraph/LangSmith -> Build multi-agents workflow
- Chatbots with OpenAI
- soon to be python guy
- telegram: @neymarsabin
- github: https://github.com/neymarsabin
- rants: https://neymarsabin.dev/posts