age: 10 years
RAM: 981MB
Hard Drive Size: 80GB
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHZ
width: 64bits
Before Ubuntu
I had installed windows 7 but would stop working after boot if there is no internet connectivity.After connecting to ethernet port it would stuck forever. Sort of *memory LOW * problem.
After Installing Ubuntu
Installing ubuntu was the same like others.But tweaking it to use lowest memory(RAM) possible was my challenge.
Without tweaking it would again act like windows 7 and stuck at some point.
Things i did:
My first job was to remove the packages that were using the memory unnescessarily
First of them was the ubuntu default desktop environment.I always hate unity.Don’t know why but i have always hated that.sudo apt remove unity
This couldn’t uninstalled
package so had to manually uninstall itsudo apt remove unity-greeter
I also removed gnome packages.
sudo apt remove gnome-*
The next thing to do was to remove the ubuntu display manager which is in fact lightdm by default.
sudo apt remove lightdm
And a quick autoremove of several packages that were no longer needed.
sudo apt autoremove
All combined
sudo apt remove unity unity-greeter gnome-* lightdm sudo apt autoremove
Start installing
Do a quick update
sudo apt update
Installing the desktop environment first
sudo apt install i3
As i removed default display manager, i somehow needed to start i3 when X starts, so:
cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc emacsclient .xinitrc
and add the following line at the end of the file to start i3 when i start my X server manually.
exec i3
Now install some useful packages
sudo apt install gnome-terminal ranger tmux openssh-server git htop sudo apt autoremove reboot
And a clean reboot.In the tty terminal enter your username and password.Then, u will be left in the shell(probably bash shell).Enter:
This starts the X server.And also the i3 window manager.
Testing the system
- setup a xampp server
- Start and use firefox
- check for information using htop
This that can be done:
- Remove network manager and assign static ip.