Org Templates

These templates are already merged in #pr-260

Using Org Templates

Using orgTemplates is very simple.Just clone this repository.Then copy all files inside orgTemplates to your emacs configuration folder excluding hidden files.

cd orgTemplatse

rsync -av --exclude=".*" . ~/.emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/

Then, tell emacs to reload all the snippets.For that do M-x yas-reload-all

Depends On

Yasnippet = [yasnippet](
Installing yasnippet is easy and instructions is available in it's github page.

Keywords and Templates

#+CAPTION: Keywords and names
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 100%
| Keywords | names         |   | Keywords | names       |
| <au      | Author        |   | <ex      | Export      |
| <c       | center        |   | <ht      | html        |
| <da      | date          |   | <im      | Images      |
| desc     | Description   |   | <i       | Includes    |
| <em      | Email         |   | <ke      | Keywords    |
| <e       | Example block |   | <lan     | Language    |
| <l       | Latex         |   | <li      | Links       |
| <op      | Options       |   | <q       | Quote       |
| set      | Setup         |   | <s       | Source Code |
| <st      | Style         |   | <ta      | Table       |
| <ti      | Title         |   | <v       | Verse       |
| <vi      | Videos        |   |          |             |

For Revealjs templates
#+CAPTION: Keywords and names 
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 100%
| Keywords | names                            |
| <rvl     | Reveal all options               |
| <rsb     | Reveal single colored background |
| <rib     | Reveal image background          |