This helps you setup a local bsc chain test node using a binary called bnbchaind. For the binary to be installed in your machine, you will need to run the following commands. The first command downloads a installer script that can be executed that will place binaries in correct folders for you.

wget -qO-

The script will provide bnbchaind and bnbcli binaries. Just to make sure everything is working fine:

bnbchaind version
bnbcli version

Then we need to create a genesis file and start the network just like we do using geth for full/test ethereum validator nodes. For that move in your preferred folder and:

bnbchaind init --home /home/neymar/bscchain/localnet --moniker test

The command initializes the genesis file. This file is essential to bootstrap the local test node. Copy the genesis.json and other files to $home/config.

cp ./network/config/genesis /home/neymar/config

Now, we can start our bsc local node.

bnbchaind start --home $home