fzf + tmux! custom utils

  • Install tmux if you haven’t already! And the cheatsheets: https://tmuxcheatsheet.com/
  • fzf improves your productivity! I wrote these scripts to add some improvements over my workflow. I had to fuzzy find tmux sessions, because navigating to my opened sessions was becoming tough. The idea is to find sessions like how my brain does.

fuzzy find project and auto attach-session with tmux

#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Use at your own risk: I have seen bugs that create infinite tmux sessions :D
# define the fzf command: ./.fzfdir.sh pet
# syntax: ./.fzfdir.sh <working_directory>
# note: I have base_dir as ~/projects
# FZF_COMMAND="fzf-tmux"
FZF_COMMAND="fzf-tmux -p --with-nth 1"

# find in directories

# execute command
RESULT=$(ls $find_dir | $FZF_COMMAND)

# create a new tmux session and attach to it
send_command="cd $workdir"

if ! tmux has-session -t $session_name 2>/dev/null; then
  ## create new session, provide SESSION and WINDOW name
  new_session=$(TMUX= tmux new-session -A -d -s $session_name -n $window_name)

  ## switch and cd into project
  tmux switch-client -t $session_name
  tmux send-keys -t $session_name:$window_name "$send_command; clear" C-m
  tmux switch-client -t $session_name

fuzzy find sessions from within of $TMUX= sessions

# ~/.fzftmux.sh
LIST_DATA="#{window_name} #{pane_title} #{pane_current_path}"
FZF_COMMAND="fzf-tmux -p --delimiter=: --with-nth 4 --color=hl:2"


# select pane
LINE=$(tmux list-windows -a -F "$TARGET_SPEC $LIST_DATA" | $FZF_COMMAND) || exit 0

# split the result
args=(${LINE//:/ })

# activate session/window/pane
tmux select-pane -t ${args[2]} && tmux select-window -t ${args[1]} && tmux switch-client -t ${args[0]}

And I did update my tmux config to set these as a keybindings.

bind-key "s" run "~/.fzftmux.sh"
bind-key "p" run "~/.fzfdir.sh pet"
bind-key "y" run "~/.fzfdir.sh work"
bind-key "t" run "~/.fzfdir.sh oss"